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Processing time for all made-to-order items is 2-4 weeks. It is possible you will receive your order before then; shipping confirmation emails will be sent the evening before your order ships. Processing time for all pre-made items is 3-5 business days. Please ensure that you enter the correct shipping address upon checkout!


If you are not satisfied with your order, please email me at with your name and order number with specific details as to what the issue is. Crocheted clothing can be returned or exchanged; you will have to send the item back to me, and I will refund you the cost of shipping. If you want to return your order for a full refund, no problem! If your clothing did not fit correctly and you want to exchange it (for the same item in a different size), I will create a new piece free of charge. Any exchanges for items that cost more than your original purchase will require an invoice covering the difference in price.

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